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    Begin (Ritual Yin Journey)

    Although I don’t believe the new year is a time to brazingly wish for yourselves to change, I do think it’s a great time to take stock, reflect and dream of the year ahead. Last year I made a commitment to live more from the heart, less from the logical brain, basing my decisions of “what feels better, more right” rather than what is simply the most logical “smart” next move in life. And wow, the difference that small commitment to “listen to my heart more” has brought, life has flowed more than it ever did ❤️ So this year as I sat and listened to what the next year…

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    Seasons Within (Ritual yin journey)

    Four mornings of ritual yin yoga and breathwork to honor your inner season It’s finally time for another yin series 🍂 I’ve been on a highatus as I honor my levels energy levels and sit in a quite winter season. I remember hearing someone talk about women’s cycles in terms of the season, and I feel it’s also so relevant for life. Summer we are full of energy, outward expression and doing, autumn this quitests down, we have more time for intropesction, reflection. Winter are energy is low, we are wanting to go inward. spring we begin to re-emerge, creative ideas start brewing and to come out of our shell…