
  • Food,  Lifestyle

    Homemade elderflower cordial

    We are luck to be surrounded by elderflower trees where we live, all along our lane and at the bottom of the garden we are gifted an abundance of flowers & berries each year. Last year I never got around to doing anything with them which seems like such a wasted resource so this year I found the simplest recipe I could ‘elderflower cordial’ , it may be simple but its delicious. The recipe below makes lots of cordial! more then we’d ever get through so half the mixture if its for personal use, We made a big batch as it makes the perfect summer time gift x Ingredients 2½…

  • Food,  Motherhood

    My go to Vegan Banana bread

    If theres one thing I love to make its banana bread, its a one bowl mix, uses up all your old over spotty bananas, is healthy, tastes delish and great for making with little ones! My recipe changes depending on whats in my cupboards meaning no loaf is ever the same, this weeks was an almond, raison and nutmeg banana loaf. To make it you’ll need: one bowl, one bread tin and a hot oven. 4 spotty banana’s Soya milk (enough to moisten the mix) 4 cups wholemeal flour 1tsp baking soda 3 tsp of dark brown muscovado sugar Options Nutmeg Raison’s Almonds Mash all your bananas in the bowl…

  • Food,  Lifestyle

    3 ways to use your spring dandelions

    If you live in Ireland I’m sure you’ve seen the sudden spurt of yellow dandelion flowers around you. Their the first sign that spring is finally here and brighten up our walks dotting the hedge rows with yellow. They may grow like weeds and many spend their time trying to prevent them popping up, but they are actually extremely useful, being both edible and with amazing medicinal properties. So if your out weeding this spring hold on to your dandelions and put them to use with these three recipes. Green dandelion salad -dandelion green -chopped dates -chopped nuts -red onions -sprouting broccoli -tomatoes -avocado -dressing of choice (I find sweet…