
  • Blog,  Lifestyle,  Motherhood,  Travel,  Uncategorized

    …It only took a year (Thailand)

    It seems pretty representative of how busy and crazy life has been that it took me a whole year to finish and upload some photos from Thailand. These memories do however seem even more precious looking at them a year on……..Time really does bring more perspective and this time we spent away changed how we view and respond to life. We had big plans for our return to Ireland on the top of that list was building the new cottage on our land, however just before leaving Thailand the way in which we wished to do this changed drastically. The plan was for us to knuckle down, me take the…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood,  Travel

    Ireland to Vietnam with two minis in tow…..

    Traveling as a family was something I’ve always held in my dreams. I never foresaw having kids to be the end of these fun adventures but a motivation to keep reaching further & exploring deeper into all aspects of life. That said it didn’t mean I was without my doubts when booking a trip thousands of miles away from home with 7month old & 2-year-old in tow. I had so many questions & worries running through my mind I seriously considered canceling a few weeks before. I also didn’t tell a lot of mom friends as I didn’t want to face their concerned questions, where are you going to stay?…

  • Motherhood

    Eden’s Homebirth Story

    Birth. What words spring to mind when you hear this word? This was a question put to us in one of my first birth class in the hospital. The words that jumped onto the board were pain, labor, work, hard, blood and I think this is pretty reflective of how we in the western world view birth. The images we’re fed from main stream media are of women screaming down the hospital corridor as her partner looks on helplessly in horror, this partnered with the strange phenomenon of women loving to tell expectant mothers how horrific birth is has lead to a society filled with birth fear. But what if…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Breastfeeding the Early Days

    Breastfeeding is so special and I wish more women got the support they needed to get through the first few weeks which for some can be difficult. Im not a location consultant but below are some things I found helpful in my first few days/weeks of feeding my two girls, Eden is now 1 month old and feeding like a champion, Iza is no longer feeding however did continue to breastfeed until she was two years old ( & I was six months pregnant with Eden, did you know you could feed whilst pregnant?). There are so many cool facts about breastfeeding and its benefits for mom & baby, which…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Preparing for a Smooth Birth

    The last few weeks in pregnancy are my favourite, I finally have a bump and gain all the benefits & spoiling that come with it, I’ve finished up work (I finished up 5 weeks before my due date this time = best decision ever!) and I feel I really get into the head space for birth. I believe birth takes preparation and is not something to be ignored or handed over to medical staff (unless theres a medical reason), women know how to birth babies but we do need to prepare physically, mentally & spiritually. Below are a few things I try to incorporate into my day as I near…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Enrich your work day

    Doing the 8 hour day, 5 days a week can be pretty draining but for some its a necessity even for a short period for time to get to were they want to be. I work as a Social care worker and love the helping others and social aspect of my work, however when I got pregnant I was put on health and safety placement in an office as the house I worked in was deemed too high risk. I found the transition back to 9-5 office life pretty hard and felt very out of sync with my naturally rhythms. But I made a conscious decision that these work days…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Pregnancy Health Hacks

    Pregnancy is a weird and wonderful mix of excitement, magic, exhaustion, discomfort and a lot of the time puke. Ive been lucky to have experienced two pretty good pregnancies in comparison to how hard some women find it. I have however suffered from the exhaustion, morning sickness (all day sickness as it should be called!), extreme aversions (I lived on plain potatoes and pasta for the first three months), low mood to the point you wonder if prepartum depression is a thing? And the general discomfort that come with growing a human. There have been a few things that have been saviours along the way and tips I picked up…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Cloth Nappies, are they worth it?

    Everyone looked at me with slight scepticism when I told them id be using cloth nappies with my first. I didn’t know anyone else using cloth but I knew the alternative of using disposables didn’t sit right with me. As I began my research I was surprised to see how much information was out there. Apparently cloth was pretty popular! As I researched further the pros of using cloth just increased. Cloth nappies are way cheaper (like 1000 euro cheaper!), better for the environment as disposable are made from plastic and don’t actually breakdown, cloth nappies are more absorbent (no night time changes!), cloth nappies are made from natural fibres…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Homebirth: Resources preparing for birth

    I feel very blessed to have had the prenatal, birth and post natal experience I had with my first. It was all very smooth sailing (of course there were hard parts but I was supported) and I believe it was due to the ground work put in place before hand. I was blessed with an incredible support network and a lot of knowledge. I did my research and my mother spoke to me about birth, she had a home birth with me and I was always mesmerised by the story. When I became pregnant I knew I wanted to have a Homebirth but didn’t know where to start, or if…

  • Lifestyle,  Motherhood

    Festival season with a baby? Tips & tricks

    Most people act a little shocked when we tell them we bring Iza along to pretty much everything including all the festivals. But why wouldn’t bring her, festivals were part of our lives before she came along (having a musician husband is ace for this!) and I really don’t see why that should change now she’s here. We get to see all the deadly acts and hang out with our mates whilst she’s happy bobbing about to the tunes and making friends with every stranger that paces by. Also festivals are an escape from the real world, its a weekend without rules, everyones more free, open and theres so much…