Lifestyle,  Motherhood

New mama: Eco parenting tips

I’ve heard from a few people now that the best thing we could do to limit our impact on planet 🌎 is to not have kids, for some this might suit them but for me having kids was not something I was willing to compromise on. I did however want learn ways in which I could have a bunch of crazy kids and not harm the planet. Almost 2 years into my learning here’s 5 tips I’ve picked up.

1. Buy second hand: There are endless baby products, gadgets, clothes & toys on the market and especially with your first it can be hard to navigate what you really need. Due to this so many brand new baby items end up in the charity shops or on selling sites like done deal or gumtree. Write a list of things you really need and get hunting! You find some beautiful things for a fraction of the price and not be adding to the mountain of baby items ending in landfill. When we were expecting Iza we bought her cot, changing table, clothes and buggy all second hand.

2. No presents or be specific: Being showered with gifts is great if there are things you’ll actually use. I think our friends and family know us well and only bought us very practical gifts such as clothes. Also for my baby shower one of my good friends organised for everyone to chip in for for something I really wanted but that was pricey for one person to buy alone, an Ergo baby carrier! I was so happy and got a carrier that I still use today 18months in.

3. Breastfeed: Might be a controversial one but breastfeeding really is the cheapest most eco friendly way to feed your baby. Its free with an on tap endless supply, its complete zero waste with no need for bottles, sterilising machines or formula packets. Not to mention the host of other benefits for your baby, their health, immune system, IQ (breastfeeding can literally make them smarter!) check out the WHO website for more benefits. Breastfeeding really is amazing, but it can be hard and a lot of support is needed, read up on it, get a solid support group and believe you can do it.

4. Cloth nappies: I love them! And am so glad I powered through and am still using them today. When I started I got a lot of “would you not just use disposables”? And there where a few starting issues, leaks etc. Cloth nappies is a learning game and there are so many brands and types out there its about finding the brand that fits your baby best and works for your family. But there are so many benefits, their cute, zero waste, easy to use (once you have your routine) and cheap! You can save about 2000 euro by using cloth, thats a holiday for us!
If your curious about cloth nappies check out Cloth nappy Ireland


5. Go minimal: Aside from all the above the most eco friendly cheapest thing you can do when having a baby is to go minimal. Only buy what you need and as you need it. There’s a gadget for every phase but I promise you after 2 months you’ll be left with another useless item. Do your research and stick to the basics.

If you know anyone expecting and eco conscious pass this on. I hope its useful. Also keep an eye out on mamailanuk’s blog & instagram as she’s launching an eco parenting 4 week challenge, I’ll be joining in and can’t wait. Always so much more to learn! X

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Welcome to this magical corner of the internet. Here you will find Charlotte's latest life musings on her blog & info on her upcoming holistic events. Charlotte facilitates Ritual Yin yoga & Breathwork courses which take you on a journey of inquisitive inner learning & healing.


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