
Sleep deprivation: How to survive it

Sleep deprivation is one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with over the last few years. It sneak’s up on you and is on joke. Its debilitating and affects almost everything, your mood, your appetite, your motivation, your ability to have a conversation. Its like a black fog and you don’t even realise your in it until its lifted. Sleep is one of the most vital elements to our day, its your reset and without it your bodies can become completely out of sync.

From partying, to working waking nights, having a young child I’ve had to deal wth my fair share of sleep deprivation. I’ve picked up a few tips that mean I’m much better able to navigating it then before. Here are a few things that I find help when I’m in the depths of it.

1)Rhythm: Our bodies love routine it helps them to predict whats happening and manage our energy. Having the same bed time every night is step number one. Even if you have a new born and know you wont be getting much sleep, get into bed, dim the lights and rest at the same time very night.
Even if I’m working a night shift I have a routine to my night, I know I have most energy in the evening or past 6am, so this is when I get my high energy work done, the other hours in between I do the slow work.
Our bodies actually work within ultradian rhythms which are a natural cycle of rest and activity, we can work and be focused for about 90 mins after which our bodies need to rest for 5-10mins. See if you can notice this in your day and honour those resting times. Pushing through can lead to use entering the danger zone of adrenaline and cortisol which will make if even hard to sleep once its finally bedtime.

2)Rituals: Night time rituals (or daytime if your a night worker) are my favourite thing. There another part of routine but are all about self care. Have your bed time rituals such as reading, having a bath, a cup of herbal tea, lighting some incense, putting on your comfiest pjs or maybe its doing a night time facial. Do something that you love and that makes you feel comforted. These little rituals of self care release oxytocin which helps you sleep better and also act as a signal to your time that its time to go to sleep.

2)Environment: My bed is my haven and I find it really hard to sleep any where else. Anyone else like this? And I always find I sleep better with fresh bedsheets! Which makes environment key for me. Making sure your sleep environment is just that a ‘sleep’ environment. Making sure its clean, comfortable, free of technology and most importantly dark! We recently bought black out blinds which are a life saver for the long summer evenings (yup we go to bed when its still bright, sleep deprived parents…)

3)Move: It might feel like the last thing on earth that you want to do but if you have been having trouble sleeping, then the changes are your hormones are going to be bouncing around the place out of syncrinociaty which can effect you trying to sleep the following night. One of the best way to help balance your hormones again to to move, ever so slowly and breath. I love yoga for this as it instantly brings me back to baseline, however any exercise you love synced with your breath will benefit.

4)Stay away from the black stuff : I love my coffee. In the early days of having a baby the lure of a flat white was the only thing that got me up, dressed and out of the house. However I do find that when I’m really really sleep deprived it doesn’t do me any good. It stops me from listen to how tired my body really is and gives me a false sense of energy when really I should be resting. It can also make falling asleep at bed time harder as you’ve pushed past your bodies limit and have lots of adrenaline and cortisol floating around. If you feel you’re entering the black fog of no sleep, leave coffee of the menu of a few days and listen to your body.

5) Be a health freak: When your tired your body will often crave energy in its most basic form sugar, however its not going to do you any good in the long term. What your bodies really needs is to be nourished. Drink water and herbal teas, eat all the fresh fruit, salads and homemade comfort foods, vegan sheapards pie or soup are my two favourites.

Hope some of these tips resonate and help in someway and you get some sleep xx

Welcome to this magical corner of the internet. Here you will find Charlotte's latest life musings on her blog & info on her upcoming holistic events. Charlotte facilitates Ritual Yin yoga & Breathwork courses which take you on a journey of inquisitive inner learning & healing.


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