Lifestyle,  Motherhood

Cloth Nappies, are they worth it?

Everyone looked at me with slight scepticism when I told them id be using cloth nappies with my first. I didn’t know anyone else using cloth but I knew the alternative of using disposables didn’t sit right with me. As I began my research I was surprised to see how much information was out there. Apparently cloth was pretty popular!

As I researched further the pros of using cloth just increased. Cloth nappies are way cheaper (like 1000 euro cheaper!), better for the environment as disposable are made from plastic and don’t actually breakdown, cloth nappies are more absorbent (no night time changes!), cloth nappies are made from natural fibres and so don’t have all the nasty chemicals that disposables do and lastly the most important reason cloth nappies are way cuter!

Just incase you were like me and thought using cloth was going to be a lot of work here’s the simple process we use. Its basically 2 extra loads of washing a week, around 15mins of work a load, not too bad right?

1)Used nappies get thrown in a sealed bin we keep in our bathroom (poop goes in the toilet not the bin :).

2)When the bin is full (roughly twice a week) the nappies are thrown in the washing machine, on a normal wash, with an extra scoop of washing powder (no conditioner as it affects the absorbency of the nappies)

3)After the wash nappies are hung out on the line to air dry. (not in the dryer as it will melt the covers)

4)When fully dry the nappies are put back together and placed back in the storage box ready to be reused.


If your curious about cloth send me a message or even better find your local cloth nappy meet up and chat to other moms face to face. In Ireland theres a great support group cloth nappy Library.

Cloth nappies are definitely worth it and way easier then you’d think!

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