Lifestyle,  Motherhood

Preparing for a Smooth Birth

The last few weeks in pregnancy are my favourite, I finally have a bump and gain all the benefits & spoiling that come with it, I’ve finished up work (I finished up 5 weeks before my due date this time = best decision ever!) and I feel I really get into the head space for birth. I believe birth takes preparation and is not something to be ignored or handed over to medical staff (unless theres a medical reason), women know how to birth babies but we do need to prepare physically, mentally & spiritually. Below are a few things I try to incorporate into my day as I near baby due date, I had a wonderful smooth water birth with Iza so all these tips must work right!? 

I started these daily rituals around 36 week 

Raspberry lead tea 
Is a herbal tea that contains Fragarine which is known to help tone and tighten muscles in the pelvic region & tannins which are believed to strengthen the uterus both adding to a smoother birth. Two other ingredients that come into play are calcium and magnesium these two minerals are important in muscle health preventing muscle spasms and tiring. 
I started drink 2-3 cups a day from 36 weeks however you can start sooner at roughly 32 weeks but just stick to one cup a day, this will give the tea time to work its magic and build up in your system.

Six dates a day
Old wives tale or not I love dates so have to problem being told to eat 6 a day. Dates contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, which are involved in saving and supplying energy and construction of prostaglandins (birth) hormones. In addition, tannin, potassium, magnesium and calcium in dates contribute to the contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus. A recent study found that women eating  6 dates a day where: 
• 74% more dilated than non-date eaters at admission to birthplace
• 38% more likely to have intact membranes
• 21% more likely to spontaneously go into labor
• 28% less likely to use prostin/oxytocin to induce labor

Comparing the Efficacy of Dates and Oxytocin in the Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PDF). Shiraz E-Medical Journal April 2007. Khadem N, Sharply A, Latifnejad R, Hammod N, Ibrahimzadeh S.

Find your zen
Birth is a journey that requires you to put in some ground work before the big event. There’s a concoction of hormones & neurotransmitters at play during birth which work best when your in a deep state of relaxation and able to stay calm & confident throughout. Fear & stress can block the affect of birth hormones and create tension & tightening – the last thing you want in birth. Things like having a regular yoga practice, taking alone time each day to mediate, visualisations, relaxing walks, baths, all help to wire your brain and body to enter the parasympathetic (relaxed state) easily and when you need you it. There are so many amazing classes such a hypnobirthing, which id highly recommend to help you practice these techniques, also ‘The Gentle Birth’ app is great for getting you started, I used everyday whilst going to work.

Magnesium & calcium 
As you can see from above these two minerals have come up already! But hey really are important for muscle health, my midwife suggest I start taking them in supplement form (along with my usual prenatal vitamins) to ensure my muscles are ready for birth. Magnesium relaxes muscles, while calcium stimulates muscles to contract. Research suggests that getting adequate magnesium during pregnancy can help prevent the uterus from contracting prematurely and prevent muscle tiring & cramping during labour. 

Up your water & fats 
You want your skin to be as elastic & flexible as possible in birth for all the obvious reasons! Everything needs to be able to open easily and ease back into to shape after. It’s suggested you double your water intake in the last trimester or drink at least 2.5 litres a day, I try to keep a reusable water bottle on me and top it up throughout the day. I terms of fats I’ve been eating loads more, nuts, nut butters, seeds and oils such as flax seed, rapeseed & olive oil.

Keep moving 
Exercise is so important throughout your pregnancy but especially so in your final trimester. You have no way of knowing how long your birth will be but what you do know is that every muscle in your body will be working, the better shape your in physically the better. I haven’t felt much like doing yoga the last few weeks but have been loving a long walk (1-2 hours) and swimming (is so nice to feel weightless & it’s so relaxing!)

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Welcome to this magical corner of the internet. Here you will find Charlotte's latest life musings on her blog & info on her upcoming holistic events. Charlotte facilitates Ritual Yin yoga & Breathwork courses which take you on a journey of inquisitive inner learning & healing.


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