Lifestyle,  Motherhood

Festival season with a baby? Tips & tricks

Most people act a little shocked when we tell them we bring Iza along to pretty much everything including all the festivals. But why wouldn’t bring her, festivals were part of our lives before she came along (having a musician husband is ace for this!) and I really don’t see why that should change now she’s here. We get to see all the deadly acts and hang out with our mates whilst she’s happy bobbing about to the tunes and making friends with every stranger that paces by. Also festivals are an escape from the real world, its a weekend without rules, everyones more free, open and theres so much creativity floating around how could we stay away.

If your thinking about bringing your little one with you to the next fest, heres a few things I found made it a little easier

1)Get a good pair of ear protectors
We bought a pair of Baby Em’s  and love them! The baby ones have a soft strap instead of the usual head band type, which means Iza rarely pulls them off and doesn’t mind wearing them at all. Also she has had the same pair from 2 months old until now 18 months old, feel it maybe time to upgrade soon however.
Also id try them out with your baby before heading to the festival or gig. Nothing worse then being there and realising your baby doesn’t like the particular fit.

2)Bring a carrier
We’ve never brought a buggy to a festival and have always solely relied on our ergo carrier. For us its so much easier as you dint have to worry about being suck in the mud and its less space taken up in our (two man!) tent. Iza always loved it as she could face forward when listen to the music and inwards when she wanted to have a nap.

3) Tag team or don’t drink
By tag team I mean take it in turns, if me and max are a festival for two nights, max would have a few drinks the first night and the second night I get to have a few. Its not so much the night time part but more for the morning, baby’s don’t care if you have a hangover they still wake up at 6am and its really not worth it. So if max has been parting it up, then I stay sober and am happy to wake up early and explore with Iza whilst he snoozes on in the tent and vice versa. Or what happens most of the time is we both abstain, alcohol free festivals are actually more fun!

4)Get a quiet camping spot
This is key, we need our sleep! Most festivals will have a family camping area which are usually quiet but sus it out when you get there as you’ll always find theres an extra quite space tucked in the corner.

5) Find the kiddies corner
Most of the bigger festivals will have a kids section, with music, games, acts and art tailored especially for little ones! We only stumbled into a few last year as Liza was still to young to get involved but its a great place to meet other family’s and this year we’ll take full advantage.

Hope everyone gets to enjoy at least one festival this season!

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Welcome to this magical corner of the internet. Here you will find Charlotte's latest life musings on her blog & info on her upcoming holistic events. Charlotte facilitates Ritual Yin yoga & Breathwork courses which take you on a journey of inquisitive inner learning & healing.


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