Food,  Lifestyle

3 ways to use your spring dandelions

If you live in Ireland I’m sure you’ve seen the sudden spurt of yellow dandelion flowers around you. Their the first sign that spring is finally here and brighten up our walks dotting the hedge rows with yellow. They may grow like weeds and many spend their time trying to prevent them popping up, but they are actually extremely useful, being both edible and with amazing medicinal properties. So if your out weeding this spring hold on to your dandelions and put them to use with these three recipes.

Green dandelion salad

-dandelion green

-chopped dates

-chopped nuts

-red onions

-sprouting broccoli



-dressing of choice (I find sweet work best to balance the bitterness of the greens)

Get out and forage your dandelion greens, make sure to wash them thoroughly. Chop all your ingredients up and throw it all in a bowl. Short and sweet!

Dandelion vinegar

-mason jar
-dandelion heads
-apple cider vinegar

This time collect the dandelion heads, green and yellow parts can be thrown in too. The green parts can be little bitter but it won’t make that much difference for this recipe. Again simply throw the dandelion heads and vinegar in the mason jar, seal it up. Leave it for 1-2 months in a dark place and at the end you’ll have a vinegar infusion that can be used for dressing or as a anti-inflammatory drink in the mornings.

Dandelion tea

-dandelion flowers



For the last recipe you’ll just need the dandelion petals. Use a pair of scissors or just pull the petals from the bud. Lay all the petals on a tray and leave them to dry in a sun room, dehydrator or in the oven at the lowest temp over night. drying them out means you can make up a large batch and store them in a sealed jar for months. Alternatively you can just add the fresh petals to hot water and make a fresh brew. Dandelion tea is great for stomach issues, liver detox and healthy skin. I added some lemon and turmeric to mine for an added health boost.

Good luck foraging and brewing! Let me know how you get on and send me some pics of your tasty adaptions, I’m sure theres so many ways to mix up these simple recipes!

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Welcome to this magical corner of the internet. Here you will find Charlotte's latest life musings on her blog & info on her upcoming holistic events. Charlotte facilitates Ritual Yin yoga & Breathwork courses which take you on a journey of inquisitive inner learning & healing.


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